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Incidentally, some of these cameras have name plates that say Nikomat. A Nikomat is a
domestic (Japanese) market Nikkormat. The reason for the name difference? Well, Nikomat
is easier for a Japanese person to pronounce than Nikkormart, that much is fact. Apparently
though, Zeiss objected to Nikon's use of a name so similar to their own trademark, Ikomat,
and brought legal pressure to bear, to which Nikon relented and changed name plates on the
export models to Nikkormat.
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「1970's / 80's」カテゴリの記事
- 撮れてることを念じて(2023.08.11)
- ひと寝入りした後のための覚え書き(2023.08.04)
- 暗証番号ロック解除完了…(2023.08.03)
- 鹵獲、イオンのATMで、少なくとも四時間以上、 暗証番号ロックされた口座と格闘していた認知の母。(2023.08.03)
- 撮れてることを念じて(2023.08.11)
- 土砂降って晴れてまた土砂降りそうな合い間の買出し(2023.08.06)
- ひと寝入りした後のための覚え書き(2023.08.04)
- 暗証番号ロック解除完了…(2023.08.03)
- 撮れてることを念じて(2023.08.11)
- ひと寝入りした後のための覚え書き(2023.08.04)
- 暗証番号ロック解除完了…(2023.08.03)
- 鹵獲、イオンのATMで、少なくとも四時間以上、 暗証番号ロックされた口座と格闘していた認知の母。(2023.08.03)
見つけた。海外向けNikon Fの一部をNikkor Fと名付けて売らざるを得なくなった轍を踏む
"The name "Nikkormat" ? Oh, our version is, the name "Nikomat", sounds like "Ikomat" in
Japan where it is a trade name of Zeiss Ikon, Germany. Thus, Nikon subsituted the name
"Nikkormat" in some foreign countries to avoid problem of infringement of the trademark.
Have you heard of the name "Nikkor" which engraved on Nikon F ? In fact, the name "Nikon"
was once a legal claim from Zeiss Ikon that it is not supposed to be used on camera bodies,
so the name "Nikkor" was used instead for some of the Nikon's products in some countries
in Europe during those early years.
Posted by: USHIO | Nov 12, 2013 22:41